Sunday, December 30, 2012

Carnival of Venice No.1: History of Carnival of Venice

Carnival of Venice is, without any doubt, one of the most famous and enchanted Carnivals in the world. From early morning to late evening, the ancient city is filled with people in gorgeous costume, music, performances of streets artists, masquerade balls et cetera.

History of Carnival of Venice
The origin of Carnival of Venice dates back to the Repubblica della Serenissima (how Republic of Venice was called at that time) in the year 1162, the celebration of the republic’s victory in the war.

The celebration gradually grew and, by 18th century, it had become the most famous festivity in Europe. Backed with great wealth of the republic, which then was enjoying the ascendancy of the Mediterranean, the carnival was extravagant and spectacular. People, especially riches and nobles, enjoyed music, theater, dance and numerous performances anonymously under the mask.

Though the carnival was once disappeared when the Venetian Republic ended its 1000-year-long history conquered by Napoleon’s troops in 1797, it was resumed in 1979.

Nowadays more than 3million people visit Venice during the carnival to enjoy life: the essence of the carnival.

Carnival exists around the world: Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Carnival in Nice, or New Orleans Mardi Gras et cetera. Most of them are filled with intense heat and joy. But Carnival of Venice is totally one and only: it’s a magical, quite unreal carnival during which people in magnificent,  glittering dress and mask parade in silence.

Not convinced yet? Enjoy the video.

》Hostels in and around Venice
》Costume for Carnival of Venice

Enjoy being magic moment.

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