Monday, September 3, 2012

Oktoberfest #2.1: What's happening in Oktoberfest??

Before getting drunk, let’s start having fun the Oktoberfest events!

Fast day of Oktoberfest: September 22nd, 2012
(sure, you are not drunk yet)

Enjoy opening parade in the morning of the first day of the fest. This parade displays historic & beautifully decollated horse-drawn floats of the local breweries and the beer halls. The parade starts at Sonnenstrsse/ Schwanthalerstrasse (Sonnen street) around 10:45am, and arrives in Theresienwiese around 11:45am.

At 12:00pm, in one of the big tents colled Schottenhamel, Mayor of Munich opens the Oktoberfest with the cry "O' zapft ist!" ("It's tapped!") The Mayor then pours Oktoberfest beer (Wiesen) into the one-litter-capacity beer mug (Maß/Mass) serving the first beer to the Minister-President of the State of Bavaria.

Only breweries in Munich can serve Oktoberfest beer in the tents.

Second day: September 23rd
(You may have hangover, but eager to enjoy the fest more)

On the second day, you will love other parade: 8,000 people in traditional costume walk up the Maximillianstrasse (Maximillian street) to the festival site where, for sure, you “celebrate” beer.


》Hostels in Munich
》Hostels in Berlin
》Hostels in Frankfurt

And don't miss our next article: What's happening in Oktoberfest #2


  1. I agree! We shouldn't actually get drunk the first day because all of the fun and exciting events happen then... that includes the parade. Wherein you can really see amazing people!

  2. Hi Marry:)Thank you so much for your comment!
